1. You are stuck and currently not getting everything out of your life and/or your business that is in it. Your energy level could be much higher. As can the balance in your private bank account.
Where have you been stuck for a while?
2. You have no focus, no clear mission in your life and want to figure out your real motivations. Or you sleep poorly and often feel restless.
3. You are successful on the outside, but you lack enthusiasm in your work and sometimes feel bored and empty inside.
4. You are doing pretty well business-wise, but your relationship is in a rut or you fight just a little too often. There is too little freedom and independence.
5. You have some knots to cut and you want to spar with an independent sounding board about your dilemma.
6. You received a bag of money when selling your business or for other reasons and are wondering: now what?
7. Should you continue to grow your business or is now the time to sell your business? You have become more of a manager/toddler leader than an entrepreneur?
8. You're done with your business partner(s) and the time has come to say so. But how do you handle that?
Focus only on things that are still important to you
- Stop making half-hearted choices
- Follow a clear strategy
- Say goodbye to activities that do not suit you or that you are not good at
- Feel yourself the entrepreneur and professional again instead of a kindergarten leader of your staff
- Organize your business so smart that you both remain successful and genuinely happy
In fact, the deeper cause of your restlessness and dissatisfaction is a lack of clear goals. Or a business that no longer suits you.
Possible consequences if you take no action again today:
- your wife is leaving you
- burnout or other physical complaints
- bore-out
- the lack of future successes.
If you do take action and from now on make conscious choices that suit you as an entrepreneur then the results will also be clear:
- greater pleasure
- more time
- more focus
- more money
- more love
- more freedom
My background as
Business Coach
To recap: 4th generation entrepreneur, business economist and former Chartered Accountant (RA), author of two bestselling books, Amsterdam native, father and big baseball fan.
Getting you back to doing what you were made for. That's what makes me happy. And in fact, I've been doing that for as long as I can remember.
More than 25 years ago I started in the due diligence practice at Deloitte, then as a Corporate Acquisition Advisor at KPMG Corporate Finance. I have been self-employed since 2000: via a detour as a commodity broker in London and a period in Mexico, since 2004 I have been a professional Business Coach for entrepreneurs and executives, who want to get the most out of themselves.
As an entrepreneur or executive, business and personal are not separable. As an entrepreneur, husband and father myself, I know all about that. That's why you can spar with me about business challenges and relevant private matters. Because that's who I am: a sparring partner, strategist and confidant all in one.
In the meantime, I have coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and executives in more than a thousand conversations, which has helped them achieve the results you probably have in mind.
In my role as a Business Coach, for more than 25 years I have guided entrepreneurs with the successful sale of their business.
Because that should be the crowning achievement of every smart entrepreneur: a 'Happy Exit' make.
Greetings from,
Entrepreneurs about the results of my business coaching
"Eelco is the man who makes you discover your own path in the world of challenges, temptations and deceptions. A business coach with a strong business background who also helps you on a personal level to choose what is real and what is not. I recommend him to everyone. 100% clarity guarantee."
Jan-Hein Schouten
Founder and CEO of Digital United
"Sometimes you have to make an important choice in your life, then it's great to meet Eelco as a business coach. He lets you discover the value of your choice with a few 'simple' questions."
Hugo Meijs
Entrepreneur and Actor
"Eelco as a business coach deftly knows how to remove obstacles without using too much fuss and fuzziness. Just a matter of asking the right questions in the right style and setting. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to make a 'next step'."
Evert J. Oosterhuis
Even the sharpest knife cannot sharpen itself
Every day, as an entrepreneur, you face a choice. Are you going to do everything yourself, reinvent the wheel and thereby waste a lot of time and money? Or are you the entrepreneur who dares to invest in good Business Coaching and thus in a happier, healthier and more successful life?
It's up to you how you want to grow. Do you want to reach the top full of energy or do you choose the long, unnecessary route to the top?
Books and in the media
'Book for MEN is sensational.'
- Eugene Roorda of BNR News Radio on the bestselling Book for Men
'Smit knows how to build a bridge between spirituality and business.'
- Het Financieele Dagblad about The Rules of the Game
Method: Insight Action Harvesting ©
My approach is always personal and customized. Not with a standard step-by-step plan or from a rigid methodology. The quality of communication with yourself and with other people determines the degree of success and happiness in your life. Nobody exists in a vacuum. Therefore, my approach is characterized by depth and an integral approach to life and business. Without tricks and without hovering.
The solution for you is simple, but anything but easy: start living a truly more conscious life by setting clear meaningful goals and making real choices.
In a short video interview with Peter Gielissen I explain more about my approach Insight Action Harvesting ©.
Even the sharpest knife cannot sharpen itself
Every smart entrepreneur has a Business Coach. Because you want to see concrete and lasting results quickly.
Making a difference and winning with Business Coaching
1. You set goals that motivate you
Business coaching helps you clarify, formulate and outline your goals. In line with your personal values.
2. You prioritize and make real choices
A coach provides you with insights and tools to set priorities and make choices. In order to be more successful professionally and privately.
3. You have focus and balance
As a mirror, sounding board and confidant all in one, a coach helps you take focused action to get to what you want to reap.
Head in the sand and continue to plod on alone
1. You are not in your natural flow
You are stuck and not getting the most out of your life. While you want so much to be yourself and live according to your personal values.
2. You stand alone and keep going in circles
You are surrounded by yes-men. You miss a sparring partner who speaks your language. Someone who mirrors you, and helps you cut through knots.
3. You are out of balance
You lack focus, sleep poorly and often feel restless. While you actually know that your personal happiness and business success go hand in hand.
Wake up every morning to do only those things you were made to do
Stop by in Amsterdam and I'll help you get much more profit, much more freedom and much more fun. That's the promise.
Want exclusive advice for conscious and successful living?
+ FREE chapter from my book "The Rules of the Game.
Subscribe to my newsletter.
What is a Business Coach?
A Business Coach is a sparring partner, sounding board and confidant all in one. As a Business Coach, I help you achieve business goals such as increased sales, increased profits or other measurable results. A Business Coach helps you create a strategic plan consisting of concrete objectives to achieve your goals.
Who is Business Coaching for?
Business Coaching is for anyone who wants to grow into a successful entrepreneur. I coach only the top 1% entrepreneurs in the Netherlands.
Why a Business Coach?
A Business Coach helps you grow into the entrepreneur you envision. With sharp, well-defined goals you will grow into a successful entrepreneur. A Business Coach gives you the tools you need in this process.
What does a Business Coach do?
A Business Coach is your sounding board, sparring partner and confidant. Based on your goals, you and a Business Coach draw up the necessary steps together. In a process of a few months to a year, the Business Coach acts as a pole and keeps you accountable for the steps you take during the process.
What does Business Coaching provide me with?
The outcome of Business Coaching is entirely in your hands. You determine in advance what you want to get out of the coaching process. All results can be expressed in figures and are therefore measurable, so that you can experience the results of my work as a Business Coach.
Is a Business Coach for me?
Do you work in your business too often and not enough on your business or do you often feel like a kindergartener instead of a leader? As a Business Coach, I will help you find your vision as a starting point for a successful career. Schedule an appointment with me as a Business Coach today. I'll help you get more sales, more freedom and more fun. That's a promise.
In which regions is Eelco active as a Business Coach?
My practice is based in Amsterdam. To support entrepreneurs throughout the country, I also offer my Business Coaching online for entrepreneurs in Haarlem, Nijmegen, Zwolle, Groningen, Breda, Den Bosch, Utrecht, The Hague, Rotterdam and Eindhoven. Schedule a session directly for (online) Business Coaching.
Contact me today
Because you want to see concrete and lasting results quickly.
Call +31 (0)20 676 81 87
Mail eelco@eelcosmit.nl
Argonautenstraat 12-2HG
Reading my blogs? Check them out below.

Get rid of your stress immediately

From Fighting to Asking: about quietly and leisurely getting your way

Strategic surrender: the power of doing nothing
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a question? Maybe below is your question with an answer.
What is a Personal Coach?
As a Personal Coach, I help entrepreneurs and executives with personal problems. Personal problems result in bottlenecks in your personal life and career as an entrepreneur.
Is Personal Coaching right for me?
Are you not happy with business success and is your personal life not balanced? Personal Coaching is suitable if you experience bottlenecks in both areas and are willing to make difficult choices.
What does Personal Coaching provide me with?
Personal Coaching will bring you more happiness, freedom and success. You get the best out of yourself when you are in balance. The three life questions "who am I?", "what can I do?" and "what do I want?" offer insights that shape the rest of your life.
How long does a Personal Coaching program take?
The process depends on your personal goals. Make an appointment with me and I will help you achieve greater profit, happiness, joy and success. That's a promise.